Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Another fast week

Sent Feb. 19

This keyboard is turrible.

This week was filled with exchanges in our zone. We exchanged with the district leader in Bang Khae and it was a jolly good time. This one Elder, Elder Chamberlain, was with me in Bang Khae and hes a stud. Scared the jubes out of me though.. while we were getting ready for bed he all of a sudden stopped moving and i heard the silence (hha that sounds funny) and so i looked over at him. He was silent and his face look super deep in thought. Wehn i asked him what was up he said that Elder Nelson (his companion) had an experience with a ghost or something the other night. He said that he heard voices a couple nights before and that they wouldnt go away for about an hour.. then they finally left saying he was no fun. Super creepy and he wasnt just doing it to play a joke but for serious.. now at this point my face was kinda like Hansels face when Zoolander discovered that Matilda could read minds.. freaked out. Anyway, we decided to dedicate the house and try and get some sleep.. yeah that didnt happen. Neither of us slept very well hahaha.. every sound that we heard instantly made out hearts pound and stress out. Also i talked in my sleep later on in the night when Elder Chamberlain woke up which made he think that i was talkin about some crazy experiencea bout to happen. Then later i woke up and had to use the facilities.. soo hard but i was scared to get up haha.. all the video games i use to play got my mind going creazy! I think i would go to the bathroom and then when i came out Elder Chamberlain would be standing at the door waiting for me to open it hahah! But it all passed. It happened to be a new apartment that they just moved to, so it wasnt dedicated.. but in our prayer to dedicate it, which i know for sure helped, the Lord will protect that house for all future Elders.. thats the 2nd house ive dedicated on my mission :). COol stuff. Anyway, the exchange was good.

After that we had interviews with President SMith cause he didnt have time at zone conference and then we got to go teaching with im after! He tries to as much as he can, but his busy schedule usually keeps it difficult to do exchanges with the zone leaders. but he had time for 1 appointment with us and it was way cool. Brought me to repentance about sharing experiences and how to apply things better to investigators lives. He shared an experience about his great grandmother who had ill feelings towards the church and heard crazy stuff about them too. However one day she saw the Elders walking around the street while she sat on the outside porch chair.. she wanted to flee and just rudely walk inside and not talk to them.. but to what she later attributed to tbe the spirit constraining her, she could not get up from her chair.. she was almost literally glued to her seat. The Elders came up and talked to her and she decided to listen and read the Book of Mormon. The rest is obviously history. That investigators name is Eve and shes been to church only a few times, but is starting to really like it. What stuck for her was how she feels like shes at home. She also sees a striking difference between the outside world and inside the small buildling of a church. She loved that random people came up and said hello event hough they dont know her.

Onto other investigators.. Tam and Noke are still on board.. but struggling a little bit. Tam chose to go to a work seminar thing instead of church and so noke wasnt able to get both the kids to church. Kinda sad. We prayed about it and decided that we would wait to tell him the consequences because we knew that if we tried to tell him on the phone it would go the way of all other phone calls like that; down hill. So, they will have to suffer the consequences here and understand that they are not ready for baptism yet because they dont take the Sabbath day seriously enough. It was really sad and we wanted so bad to just tell him on the phone that he was making the wrong choice, but the hearts of men are so frail and as soon as we would have told him that he was wrong we knew that he would follow after the desires of his heart which right now are in the wrong place. But we will fix it this week.

Lucky and her family are doing okay.. Lucky is struggling with her kids.. the youngest is being stubborn and she feels like her children are grateful for her sacrifice.. which are a lot. Shes raised all 3 kids by herself their whole lives.. its pretty impressive. I think being at church helped her a lot and i believe that she will be able to press forward and fix the problems for sure.

Niyome.. not really sure. He kinda dissapeared down by Phuket for a week.. apparently his relative is moving over there and needs someobdy to go check out the place and reserve it for them. Niyome got the short stick.

Everything else is fairly good right now. Nothing super special. I think right now the thing i am excited for most of all is Sister Tuk.. shes doing a lot better and she is SO close to finishing the book of Mormon. Shes on Moroni! She almost walked out on church yesterday because of something someone said, but decided not to even though she was out the door. Dont know what occured in her thoughts to make her stay, but she did. Shes seemed to be a lot happier lately, even though work is a pain and her boss as well. This week will be super curcial for her.. shes gotta make her stand after she finishes CHapter 10 and thats going to be an intense lesson. Will let you know whats up.

Okay well im done. Last full week in the Beast! Love you all. Thanks for your support always. Its so wonderful right now to be out here.. and it feels special to know that im part of 50000 young men who are prayed for the most in the Church. It feels surreeal to remember that fact. But thanks for you prayers always. Keep em coming!


Elder Gudmundsen

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