Monday, December 20, 2010

MERRY... what time of year is it?

Yo sup. Gangster.

So this week was way sweet. Had a butt ton of lessons with members and had some serious progress with everyone. First off, Sister Gade.. yeah, shes getting baptized on wednesday.. woohoo! She passed everything and we got the service set up for this wednesday. We wanted to set it up for this tuesday right after english class so all those nuggets could see it, but Gades son wouldnt be able to go.. he needs to be there. He said he can make it on wednesday. She was so sweet this weekend.. she was literally brighter than a christmas tree and church and when she passed her interview? wow.. never seen someone with her age so happy. For Flukes Mom, Apple, she is almost done with everything. She learns faster than anyone ive ever met. And, it helps that fluke pretty much teaches everything for us already.. we didnt need to teach the sabbath day, the law of chastity OR the word of wisdom cause Fluke explained all of that to her when he was baptized. So, we will finish everything and then proceed with her baptism on the 2nd. On to Au and Bon... pretty sweet week. Bon is opening up to us more and more every day. He knows these things are good for him and hes starting to make the change.. first with repentance. He said something kinda funny.. in thai he said "Heart hot...'' i think you can figure that out.. i heard it and was like.. hmm... thats gotta mean hot head. It does. He gets mad pretty easily and he wants to change that. I love his questions.. he doesnt hesitate to ask either.. i love it. For Au.. Wisid and Superman had her come over to their house and they had a talk about how to treat her kids.. because she has a habit of treating them with disrespect.. not completely her fault because they dont treat her with the most respect either.. but it was necessary. Yesterday there was a big difference when we taught.. these 2, mother and child, are really starting to get along like family.. instead of enemies. Its the same change that happened with Fluke and his Mom.. the love there is so great. Oh! And Sister Gade came and helped us teach them too haha. Im afraid we wont have enough time to baptize them before this transfer is over.. everyone thinks i am moving! I will be... "sad", to censor myself a little bit. Hopefully i will stay longer. 

So this week we had exchanges.. Elder Olive and I had some fun over in rangsit.. hes a great missionary.. his thai is absolutely terrible.. harsh right? Not so. I say it cause he said it first. Thats why hes so great.. he knows he straight sucks (hahah) but he doesnt let it get in the way.. he charges every lesson, every investigator, and every time we invite.. Its quite inspiring. And it was a good experience for me to lead lessons again. We had one investigator who was pretty.. "peeved" at the idea of only men getting the priesthood.. i heard it, understood her question and was just like.. dangit! I can never answer this question adequately.. but surprisingly she accepted my answer just fine. Her husband aint interested but she goes to church a ton. 

I dont have a scripture of the week or a phrase.. but i do have a thought for everyone.. Reach out and help a less active member. This past sunday we had a less active who was calling people to try and figure out a way to get to Church.. but he doesnt have any money... we had nobody who could help him.. and we as missionaries cant. It was aggravating, frustrating, and agonizing to have to say no because its a rule that its the responsibility of the members. Its different here because we have maybe 2 or 3 members who have cars.. and they are usually full. We have no excuses back home. Its probably not a problem like this for less actives, but they have problems too.. be the ones to reach out and kick the butt to church to partake of the sacrament! Something i plan to fix when i get home. 

K so this is all i got for now.. but i look forward to this Christmas more than usual. Yesterday i was called up to speak in church about Christmas back in the states.. Well.. i said it was the best time of the year... to say the least. There was a video by President Monson about the Sprit of Christmas (hey whaddyaknow! i got a phrase of the week): drop the last syllable and we have the Spirit of Christ. This season REMEMBER to FORGET yourselves. 

Merry Christmas! 

Elder Gudmundsen

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