Monday, September 19, 2011

Its moves again Already?!

Guess what? Im in Asoke.. AKA: The BEAST. No really.. thats what the mission calls it. Its dead center Bangkok. Its a beast.

SO yeah.. i was dead this week.. like, i cant even begin to describe it.. we rode a bus down and i slept a total of an hour and 30 minutes.. if even that.. throw being sick on top of that and then add the cherry of getting moved to Asoke and it makes for a nice death toll.. I would take 3 second power naps during zone planning; no joke.

Yeah anyway this place is pretty awesome.. the ward we go to is one of the oldest in Thailand, if not THE oldest, and as such it has a lot of the old timers, meaning the very first converts here.. including the woman that translated the first Book of Mormon into the Thai language. And yes, this is legitimately a ward. Its nice to have a Ward Mission Leader too. Hes a former missionary who actually served out in Buriram back in his mish days. My companion is Elder Peacock and im killing him here.. that means hes going home in a transfer is you dont know our language haha. He was actually my zone leader when i first went district leader and he moved right after that.. so i followed him here. We are zone leaders over a 20 missionary zone, including 3 greenies! They're fun.. and guess what, 2 of those trainers are from my MTC district! woohoo! Finally i get to work with my people from my MTC group! Elder Heftel is our district leader and Elder Wagstaff is out in another district.. its cool. Know what else is sweet? My greeny area is in the zone now haha.. hopefully ill get a chance to go on exchanges with them out there haha.

Anyway, im kinda over typing today but i wanted to share a cool experience that happened a couple weeks ago... so we have this brand new building in Bangkok that is just HUGE.. its kinda like the San Diego temple of Thailand, and by that i mean that EVERYONE sees it. The placement was very smart. So anyway, it was dedicated a week or 2 ago and while it was being dedicated by President Smith, and he was in the middle of the prayer, a man was walking by the church and felt something just hit him like a wall of bricks telling him that he NEEDED to go inside of this buildling.. as he looked up, he didnt know what the buildling was, but he went inside to see what made him want to go in.. well they were actually still saying the prayer haha.. but anyway, he felt that huge spirit just overflow out of the buildling and smack him in the face. Right now hes learning and studying and in not much longer he will get baptized. Pretty insane eh? Just remember, people feel the spirit all the time, they just dont know it.. help people around you recognize it! You have the spirit just like that.. give em an experience to make em think "what is this dude?!" and hey.. theyll get baptized! woot.

Aight well i love you a little much a ... what? I dunno. I want to go shopping haha. Anyway, love ya lots.. congratulations Chase once more.. im saying it again because im wearing the tie right now.. didnt get it until thursday and im wearing it for today.. pretty sweet. I would send a pic but im lazy hahah. Not really, they just dont have an SD Card reader here.. and im lazy..


Elder Gudmundsen

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