Monday, January 23, 2012

Almost Christmas (not x-mas)

Sent Dec. 19, 2011:

Sup. Are you all enjoying the season? Is it nice and cool over there? Cause it sure is here.. sometimes. Just kidding, its actually quite blistering today.. (my pits are leaking).

Anyway, fun week.. started out really strong, and then preparations for the Christmas part, and random stuff popping up like usual got in the way.. kinda annoying. But still a good week.

First up, Sandy. Golden as always. She has prayed about everything and she gets answers to everything she asks.. Now, i know that sometimes praying and opening up the Book of Mormon right after and finding the answer to what you prayed about isnt ALWAYS a definitive answer from God.. i know it can be disputed.. but its happened almost EVERY DAY this past week. She had questions about how to live her life... Alma 37:37... she had questions about how to repent.. Alma 36... she had questions about this and this and this, and everytime she opens up the book of mormon and gets it. Pretty cool. Its just cause she has enough faith to get answers! Pretty epic. She said one day.. "Elder i feel that the Book of Mormon is super AMAZING.". Now after typing that already its not quite as funny as it was in real life, BUT thats okay! She said everything but "amazing" in thai, and then exclaimed amazing in english.. pretty funny... laugh! Shes great.. cries a lot. Cries = testimony right? Wrong. But in her case, yes.

Next is Tam and Nog.. pretty studly.. favorite thing every from his this week: "I was reading the Book of Mormon and dinner and a co-worker who is protestant walked passed me and stopped.. he looked at the Book Of Mormon and sarcastically said 'what is this? Is it even about Christ?' I responded, 'uh, yeah. His name is on the front cover and the church is called in his name.' He walked away."' Pretty funny. Was it the best way to get a referral? Maybe not. But he wasnt even trying to say it in a mean way, but really, is there any other way to put that without sounding sarcastic and sassy? Cant really say it was wrong! They are getting their answer too.. way studly. But they wont make they date just because work is still way busy and well.. they arent ready yet. Plus they will have to be interviewed a second time and they will have to travel a bit of a ways to get there and that will need some planning. They will get it. We set their date for the 14th of next month (and next year) in case i didnt put that one there already.

We have met a lot of formers and a lot of new investigators this past week. In fact, most of our pool it seems like is former investigators. For whatever reason they got set aside for a little while, so hoipefully most of them are ready now. Met a bunch who are still in the SAME neighborhood as the rest of our investigators.. we really dont go anywhere else in our area except for this neighborhood. and we are still not yet finished with it. So many to teach! So many to baptize! So little time.. speaking of time, Elder Seymour, one of our district leaders, came up with a really funny quote.. now, you guys dont know Elder Seymour, but if you did, you would laugh your head off at this phrase.. in fact, you should anyway. So saturday night he was teacfhing late at the Church and we needed to get home.. we looked through the window pointing at our watches and he got the idea.. immediately, he got the quote in his head. "If time were a person.... id punch it in the face, give it a hug, and then walk away."... HAHAHA.. if you dont laugh at that, im convinced you have... no.. SOUL! Funny kid. Hes from San Diego. We shall chill. He dies in 3 ish months.. same with Elder Furr.

On saturday was the stake christmas fireside.. pretty nice. We had a part in it. Sang 2 pieces and it went pretty well. We only practiced 2 days or something like that, but it came out well. We sang It came upon a midnight clear and then Angels we have heard on high. The first was a simple from the hymn book one and the second was a special number with piano. I really liked it. It was a 2 Tenor, Bass and Baritone part song.. Elder Pimp and i sang Tenor.. oh man those notes were kinda high. Sounded deece.

Um what else.. Oh yeah! This... so Elder Grover who is one of our district leaders in Asoke, was checking out less active members in the phone and in other places and decided to call a few. He called a family. Simply said who he was and invited them to Church. They came.... thats the end of my story! Imagine that.. it is really as simple as that. Now, we will just work with the different quorums and auxilleries to get them back in to full activity.. but really.. thats it! All Elder Grover did was make a phone call and he came. Members were saying they looked like the happiest people on the planet yesterday. Crazy. The family went up to Elder Furr and asked him if he was the one that called him and Elder Furr said it was someone else. Elder Furr asked Elder Grover when he taught them and how he got them to church.. Elder Grover responded.. "what? I dont even know them! Never met them in my life... all i did was call em!" Laughing insued. So cool. Call someone! Invite someone to an activity! Invite them to Church. Just get people to feel of the spirit. Such a cool experience. Other thing that was amazing at church was that they called every recent convert within the last 2 months to bear their testimony in sacrament. Brilliant. All i hvae to say about it.

Okoay well im over it.. tired hahah. Ill see you next week.. for real. Love you all. Church is true. Merry Christmas!

Elder Gudmundsen

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