Wednesday, July 7, 2010


That means hello! Okay so second week! Was pretty cool indeed. Got your package mom.... i didnt even read your guys' dear elders telling me to share because they are already gone! The floor LOVED them. Seriously, I was such a temptress these past few days ahaha. But seriously awesome. Josh thanks for the Charleston Chews.... i figured that would have been your idea? Havent opened the sees candy yet... They are sees right? Did you get all of my stuff and figure it out? You know, who to give letters to and what not? Good.. Really sorry to hear about Sister Sprottie.... sounds like the Bishop has been really busy doing the Lord's work.. Amen Brian. Truly an example to everyone. So some of your questions.... Neither Brandon nor Matt greeted me at the door.. It was that guy that you saw walking with me. It doesnt work like that apparently, cause you volunteer to be a host and then just bring whoever in when you go up to the sidewalk with the possibility that it is your friend. But i have seen both of those guys plenty. Dallas came in on Wednesday with his parents and the 12 APOSTLES! This week was so much seccccurity (like that black woman in that one video?) and we barely got to see anyone. But Dallas got to go to sacrament meeting with President Monson and 9 of the 12 apostles. Apparently Monson spoke for an hour there for all the new mission presidents.... All 114 of them. I was really surprised cause we had the sunday devotional and President Monson didnt even speak.. was really surprised that he didnt say anything to us when he was so close. But we did have Elder Oaks speak on a special Friday Devotional. Quite excellent. Oh, Dad you asked how the food was? Its like the left-overs from the cannon center, mass produced once more for maximum destruction to all that is important to your body. Breakfast SUCKS. 10 seconds after i ate the iffy looking burrito.... BAM. Done. Mom, the Shirts work perfectly. Forgot to get them out of the dryer on time but they are still non wrinkley! Its awesome. Took all my medication for my mouth. All good. At least i hope. Got all the pedigree stuff and the immunizations.... dont know if i said that already or not. By the way this is going to be a long paragraph because THE ENTER KEY DOESNT WORK! Anyway, the language is coming along great again. Josh you really were a "kun rue" for not writing a dear elder this week. Get on that. Brother Saakha gets cooler ur'day! We had our first TRC scenario (Teaching Resource Center) where we had to go into the room with the phiitays (older thai district) as companionships and talk with them for 15 minutes in thai (ahhh!!) and then ask if we can switch to english for the 1st lesson. It was nerve wracking as Elder Hess and I knocked on the door but then as soon as i got in there.... bam! Done son! No butterflys or anything. It went very well considering we didnt get to finish the lesson before the bell rang (yeah you have a time limit). But its hard to start the lesson because the first lesson begins with God. and they have no idea who that is. The phiitays had to act like thai people so when we asked if we could being with a word of prayer to invite peace into their home for the teaching they looked at us like we were insane. They went easy on us but it was still funny. Sister Hirschi (yeah, like the kiss) was our investigator and was like, "whats prayer? Wheres our monk who reads the paper for us?" Lulz. So yeah, the lang. is great. Pretty much there are 3 things that get us through the day though: Food, Gym and letters! Keep em coming! This week the actual gym was closed for the Mish Prez seminar but the field was open so beach volleyball everyday! Been a lot of fun. I dominate. JK. But really I do. Theres this one phiitay who thinks hes the bomb, but hes garbage. Like, Christmas morning garbage that doesnt get picked up for an extra day or whatever. Ok final words.... Mom I cant think of anything else i need so just the thais (hah! see what i did there?) for now will suffice. If i do ill send another letter. Which im doing anyway with some pics. Say what up to ENC 1 for me! Give them my love in return for letters! Seriously! K gotta run.. Love you all and I hope all is well. CHOOG DII!

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